We'll be closed Thursday, OCT 3, noon-4:45 p.m., excluding Pharmacy, for staff training

Health Services

Specialty Care

Kenner Army Health Clinic offers medical care and treatments of specific health conditions.

At Specialty Care you will find:


The Orthopedic Clinic provides outpatient orthopedic and limited podiatry services for Active Duty service members only. Dependents and retirees are referred to an in-network orthopedic clinic due to limited access to care. Appointments at our Orthopedic Clinic are by referral only from a health care provider. The clinic is staffed by three physician assistants, who are board certified in orthopedic medicine. The Orthopedic physician assistants are specifically trained in musculoskeletal disease and trauma, to include dislocations, sports injuries, fractures, and overuse syndromes. Patients with complicated or high-risk conditions will be evaluated, and appropriate arrangements made, for the patient to get advanced care outside the clinic. Our Orthopedic Clinic is also staffed by orthopedic technicians that provide clinical support, casting, and treatment under the supervision of a physician assistant.
Appointments may be booked in several ways after a referral has been made and X-rays have been entered:
In person - at the Orthopedic front desk
By phone - 804-734-9226
The KAHC Patient Appointment Line - 866-LEE-KAHC (866-533-5242)

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy provides rehabilitation care to Active Duty service members and their families. The clinic provides injury prevention and rehabilitation consultation to Fort Gregg-Adams active duty units, clinical education to affiliated physical therapy students and ensures the continued professional development of all physical therapy staff members. The clinic is staffed by six physical therapists and four physical therapy assistants.

Contact Us


804-734-9226 (Please leave a message with your contact information) 

6 a.m.-4 p.m.
Closed Noon-1 p.m.

Physical Therapy

804-734-9200 (Please leave a message with your contact information)

7 a.m.-4 p.m.
Closed 11 a.m.-Noon

700 24th Street
Fort Gregg-Adams, Va. 23801
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