KennerAHC will be closed Thursday, JAN. 9, 2025 as a mark of respect for James Earl Carter, Jr., the thirty-ninth President of the United States. 

Health Services

Tobacco Free Living

Think you're ready?  Take this quiz:

1.  How soon after you wake do you smoke your first cigarette or use tobacco?

  • 5 minutes

  • 6 to 30 minutes

  • 31 to 60 minutes  

  • After 60 minutes

2.  Do you find it difficult to refrain from using tobacco in places where it is not permitted (e.g. movies, meetings, restaurants, and other public places)?

  • Yes

  • No

3.  What would you hate to give up more?

  • Your first cigarette, dip, chew, other in the morning?

  • Your best friend?

  • Your favorite pair of jeans? Dress? Outfit?

  • The afternoon break-time smoke, dip, chew, or other?

4.  Do you use tobacco more in the

  • Earlier part of the day?

  • Later in the day?All day?

When you quit...your body thanks you! 

Contact Us


Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Kenner Army Health Clinic
2nd floor, Occupational Health entrance
700 24th Street

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!