The Fort Gregg-Adams Veterinary Treatment Facility is proud to provide veterinary services to our active duty and retired personnel, National Guard and Reserve members, dependents, Medal of Honor recipients, 100% disabled veterans, former spouses, surviving spouses, and eligible children of all armed forces branches.
The Fort Gregg-Adams VTF is not an emergency clinic; all critical and emergent cases will be referred off post. Clients are also encouraged to establish a relationship with a civilian veterinary clinic for continuity of care.
Services offered by the Fort Gregg-Adams VTF include:
- Housing memos for on-post housing
- Wellness appointments: microchip implantation, vaccinations, infectious disease testing (heartworm disease, tick-borne diseases), heartworm and flea/tick prevention, fecal testing for intestinal parasites
- Health certificate appointments (domestic and international), including rabies titer (FAVN) testing
- Sick Call/Recheck appointments:
- Partial in-house laboratory for routine bloodwork, urinalysis, and fecal testing
- Imaging capabilities: digital radiographs, point of care ultrasound
- Cytology review, including but not limited to soft tissue fine needle aspiration (FNA), urine, and ear swabs
- Access to reference laboratories for a wide range of additional diagnostic services
- In-house pharmacy
- Dental services: oral assessment, routine dental cleaning (COHAT), extractions
- Surgical services: routine sterilization (spay, neuter), mass removal, biopsies, wound repair, and others at the veterinary corps officer’s discretion
Clients and their pets should be at the clinic 15 minutes before appointments to verify contact information and medical records. Clients who are late to appointments may be rescheduled at the clinic’s discretion.
The Patient Administrative Division (PAD) is committed to supporting the needs of Kenner Army Health Clinic's beneficiaries. PAD provides a wide range of administrative functions for Kenner Army Health Clinic. Our services include outpatient medical records, coding, release of information, patient affairs and medical evaluation boards. PAD is responsible for maintaining your inpatient medical records according to Department of Defense and federal regulations and will provide you with copies of your medical documentation upon request.
The Army Wellness Center program helps build and sustain good health. It empowers clients to set their own health goals and achieve them, addressing lifestyle change in areas that affect both short and long-term health. The Army Wellness Center offers six core programs: Health Assessment Review, Physical Fitness, Healthy Nutrition, Stress Management, General Wellness Education and Tobacco Education.
The Fort Gregg-Adams Army Wellness Center provides services to active-duty military members and their families (aged 18 and older), retirees and their spouses, DoD civilian employees and Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers.
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program that works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, educational, medical, and personnel services to families with special needs. Soldiers on active duty enroll in the program when they have a family member with a physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual disorder requiring specialized services, so their needs can be considered in the military personnel assignment process.
Family members must be screened and enrolled, if eligible, when the soldier is on assignment instructions to an OCONUS area for which command sponsorship/family member travel is authorized, and the soldier elects to serve the accompanied tour. This screening consists of medical records review for all family members and developmental screening for all children 5 years of age and younger.
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